City Simuation

  1. The app icon 'CityMayor' is licensed from Chang Design Lab.
  2. Icons made by Adib Sulthon, DinosoftLabs, Flat Icons, Freepik, Icongeek26 from are licensed under the Creative Commons BY 3.0.
  3. Music 'First_Sighting' and 'Harvest Festival' made by Omri Lahav is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) 3.0 license.
  4. The game concept is inspired by Will Wright's SimCity 1989 from Maxis.
  5. Data structure design and simualtion algorithm are inspired by Don Hopkins's Micropolis.

Anicent Rome

  1. Icons made by Design Circle, Freepik, Tempo Doloe, from are licensed under the Creative Commons BY 3.0.
  2. Music 'Defying Commodus' made by Matthew Pablo is licensed under the Creative Commons BY 3.0.
  3. Pixel arts from CaesarIA made by dalerank are licensed under the GNU General Public License
  4. The game concept is inspired by Eric Ouellette's Caesar III from Impressions Games.
  5. Data structure design and simualtion algorithm are inspired by dalerank's Caesaria and Bianca van Schaik's Julius

Transport Simulation

  1. Pixel arts
  2. Music 'Return to Vesnoth' made by Mattias Weslund is licensed under the GNU General Public License.
  3. Sounds from OpenSFX
  4. are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.
  5. Truetype font `Noto Sans SC` from Google are licensed under the Open Font License.
  6. Maps from public forums
  7. The game concept is inspired by Chris Sawyer's Transport Tycoon from MicroProse.
  8. Data structure design and simualtion algorithm are inspired by Ludvig Strigeus's OpenTTD and Hansjörg Malthane's Simutrans.